Hydrate Yourself: 6 Signs You Should Drink More Water

signs you need to drink more water

Are you getting enough water? Despite our best efforts, many of us fail to hydrate as often as we should. If you’re looking for a quick way to improve your health, drinking up could be the answer. It’s a natural and healthy way to stay on track. In this short guide, we will take a look at the signs of dehydration and what you can do to solve the problem.


Your body naturally loses fluids throughout the day. However, if you’re drinking less fluid than you’re losing, that can lead to dehydration. So, when does it become a problem?

Much of the time, dehydration triggers mildly irritating symptoms (which we will take a look at shortly!). However, if you ignore the signs of this issue for too long, it can lead to some serious health concerns. For instance, dehydration may lead to heat stroke, low blood pressure, and even kidney failure, in extreme circumstances.

Fortunately, in most cases, the issue doesn’t go that far. Noticing the signs early on and knowing when you need to boost your hydration are the first steps here. Let’s take a look at some of the telltale symptoms you should be on the lookout for every day.

1. Excessive thirst

The most common dehydration symptom is no mystery: thirst. If you find yourself feeling extremely thirsty throughout the day, there could be a ton of different factors at play. According to the NHS, you may experience excessive thirst if you sweat a lot during exercise, eat a lot of salty food, drink caffeinated drinks (like coffee), or drink too much alcohol. Whatever the underlying reason, drinking water throughout the day is likely to help.

tips to drink more water

2. Dry mouth

While a dry mouth is rarely a sign of a serious health condition, it could indicate that you are failing to drink enough water. If you notice that your mouth and lips feel dryer than usual, it’s worth doing something about it. Some medicines may lead to a dry mouth, and so the first step is to check any subscription you’re currently on. If that’s not the cause, try boosting your daily hydration to see whether that makes a difference in how you feel.

3. Dizziness

Feeling dizzy or lightheaded could be signs that you are dehydrated. Should you experience either of these sensations for no reason, it’s worth seeking medical attention. Sometimes failing to drink enough water throughout the day can lead to dizzy spells. On the other hand, if you’re doing a lot of sport and not rehydrating, you may also find that you become dizzy. If you are at all worried about this issue, it’s worth speaking to your GP for some advice.

4. Dry skin

When your skin feels dry or rough, your first reaction may be to revamp your skincare routine. However, it’s worth considering how your everyday hydration is affecting your skin too. If you’re failing to drink enough water throughout the day, you may start to experience dryness that moisturiser cannot help you combat. While there could be other things affecting your skin health, ensuring that you are hydrating well is one piece of the puzzle.

why dehydration causes headaches

5. Headaches

If you are experiencing mild to moderate dehydration, chances are you will get the odd headache now and then. Severe headaches, such as migraines, can be triggered when we lose too much of our body’s fluids. If you are regularly experiencing these types of headaches, you may want to see a doctor to help you identify the cause. However, increasing the amount of water you’re drinking each day is a smart place to start.

6. Tiredness

Perhaps one of the lesser-known signs of dehydration, tiredness can be caused by a lack of fluids in the body. Should you find that your energy dips throughout the day, you need to look at the causes of that. There’s no doubt that a lack of sleep or poor nutrition could be to blame. You should also consider whether you’re getting enough water. As Harvard Health explains, ensuring that you’re getting enough hydration each day could help fight fatigue.

how to know if you are dehydrated


Now that you’re well-versed in the signs of dehydration, let’s talk about the solution. There are plenty of easy ways you can boost your hydration. Here are some tips to give a whirl:

Always carry a water bottle

Want to drink more water throughout the day? Start carrying a bottle with you everywhere you go. Whether you’re heading out for a walk or sitting in an office, having a bottle by your side means that you’re more likely to drink up. Check out our favourite water bottles now.

Rehydrate after you exercise

When you exercise, you sweat. That means that you’re losing fluids from your body. Whenever you’ve finished your workout (and during it!), you need to remember to rehydrate. Overlooking this health tip could mean that you’re dehydrated at the end of every session.

foods to help you stay hydrated

Eat hydrating snacks

Fancy a quick snack? Make sure that it’s packed with water. For example, you could eat a stick of celery, some watermelon, or some strawberries. Or make your beverage even more replenishing by mixing in some the Hydration Inner Beauty Boost by the Beautychef. Being conscious about the type of foods you eat could mean that it’s easier than ever to stay hydrated.

Set a daily hydration goal

How often do you hydrate? The NHS suggests that you should drink six to eight mugs of water each day. However, most of us tend to forget to drink water when we are busy. Why not set a daily hydration goal? You could use an app to track your water intake or simply make a note of it in your journal. The choice is yours!


Ready to boost your hydration once and for all? Taking care of your health is about finding a system that works for you. Taking the time to consciously drink more water could help you avoid the nasty side effects of dehydration and keep you feeling ultra healthy.
